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Nebraska Math

High School Advanced Topics: GEOMETRY

Students will solve problems and reason with geometry using multiple representations, make connections within math and across disciplines, and communicate their ideas.

Determine the three-dimensional object created by rotating or revolving a two-dimensional object about an axis.
Determine the shape of a two-dimensional cross-section of a three-dimensional object.
Use Cavalieri’s Principle to determine volume of three-dimensional figures.
Recognize that translations can be described in terms of vectors.
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Find the images and preimages of transformations of a point, shape, or relation on the coordinate plane, where transformations include the following compositions: reflections about lines of any rational slope passing through the origins, delations about the origin by any positive scale factor, and translations.
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Explain the focus-directrix construction of a parabola and derive the equation of a parabola from focus and directrix for a parabola whose axis of symmetry is a coordinate axis.
Use known definitions and results in informal argumentation to construct logical arguments.
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Distinguish between empirical reasoning, examples, and deductive reasoning, as well as informal and formal reasoning.
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Evaluate the deductive consequences of alternative definitions of known objects (e.g., whether a trapezoid is defined as a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides or defined as at least one pair of parallel sides).
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