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Emeritierte Lehrer


Steven ist Kunsthistoriker und Mitbegründer der Smarthistory. Als emeritierter Professor erstellt, bearbeitet und veröffentlicht er die Kunst-Geschichte-Inhalte an der Khan Academy.


Beth ist Kunsthistorikerin und Mitbegründerin der Smarthistory. Als emeritierte Professorin erstellt, bearbeitet und veröffentlicht sie die Kunst-Geschichte-Inhalte an der Khan Academy.


Jay hat viele der Chemie-Videos auf Khan Academy aufgenommen und den Chemie-Teil der Seite organisiert. Er hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Biochemie und einen Master in Medizin. Jay ist auch fasziniert von Kunst und schafft Portraits auf Kupfer und Stahl. Bilder organischer Moleküle zu malen, erlaubt ihm, seine künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen Interessen zu vereinen.



Mike erwarb einen Magister der Erziehungswissenschaft im Sekundarbereich und verbrachte 11 Jahre damit Klassen in Arkansas und Massachusetts in den Fächern Theater und Kommunikation zu unterrichten, bevor er sich dem Internet zuwand. Er hat Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Unternehmen, Onlinehandel und Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO). Er gründete ein Suchmaschinen Unternehmen und einen Onlineshop mit dem Namen Bourbon & Boots, mit dem Fokus auf südlichen Stil.

In seiner Freizeit geht er gerne laufen, schwimmt, liest und passt auf seine 3 Kinder, 3 Hunde und 7 Hühner auf. Dies alles schafft er mit der Hilfe seiner tollen Partnerin und Bäuerin Susan.


Lisa ist eine K-8-Mathematikspezialistin in Aventura, Florida, die sich leidenschaftlich dafür einsetzt, Kindern und Erwachsenen den Sinn von Mathematik zu vermitteln. Sie ist Mitglied des Redaktionsausschusses für die Zeitschrift Teaching Children Mathematics des National Council of Teachers of Mathematics und hat Problemsets und eine Forschungsstudie über visuelle Modelle beim Problemlösen veröffentlicht.

Lisa erstellt auch Artikel auf nationaler Ebene für Common Core Math und Singapore Math unter mathspot.net und entwirft die App für Common Core Math.


Per unterrichtete High-School Schüler in Mathematik an öffentlichen Schulen in Chicago.

Jetzt, unterrichtet er außerdem, neben dem Schreiben von mathematischen Problemen, Mathe an Hochschulen und studiert Mengenlehre in Berkley.


Rhonda ist eine emeritierte Professorin am Bryn Mawr College, wo sie 31 Jahre lang Mathematik lehrte und erforschte.

Sie hat auch das EDGE Programm (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education) mitgegründet, das Frauen beim Erwerb des PhD Grades in den mathematischen Wissenschaften unterstützt. Von 1998 - 2011 hatte sie das Amt der Vizedirektorin inne.


Sandy liebt es, Mathematik jeden Schwierigkeitsgrades Schülern, Eltern oder beliebigen Menschen auf der Straße zu erklären.

Ihr Lieblingszitat von Einstein ist, "Wenn sie es nicht auf einfache Weise erklären können, dann haben sie es nicht gut genug verstanden." Bevor sie zur Khan Academy kam, war sie bereits Elektroingenieurin, Mathematiklehrerin an einer High School und Nachhilfelehrerin für Schüler im Alter von 7 - 70 Jahren.


Sharon ist eine Lehrerin mit Leib und Seele, die bereits Kinder, Erwachsene und Lehrer für Kinder in den Bay Area-Schulen (San Francisco) unterrichtet hat. Sie empfindet eine tiefe Zufriedenheit, wenn sie mit vollem Einsatz die Schönheit und Eleganz der Mathematik vermitteln kann.

Es zog Sharon zur Khan Academy, nachdem sie die Seite zunächst selbst getestet hat. Sie erkannte das Potential, die Art, wie unterrichtet wird, zu ändern.


Tara ist eine Mathematiklehrerin an der Ben Franklin High-School in New Orleans.

Davor lebte, lernte und unterrichtete sie in Philadelphia. Sie erwarb ihren M.S. für Mathematikunterricht an Drexel.


Liat ist eine zertifizierte Lehrerin in Aventura, FL. Durch ihre Leidenschaft für die Künste hat sie Freude daran, Kinder in mathematisches Denken einzubeziehen und ihnen schon früh die Liebe zum Lernen zu vermitteln. Liat hat mehrere Problemstellungen im Kindern Mathematik beibringen veröffentlicht und ist außerdem lizenzierte Zumba-Lehrerin.


Gail begann ihre Karriere als Lehrerin der 3. Klasse in Massachusetts und unterrichtet seitdem Kindergarten und erste Klasse. Sie hat auch als ESL-Lehrerin für die Klasse K-4 gearbeitet und unterrichtet hauptsächlich Kindergartenkinder.

Gail hat einen Abschluss in Englisch und Frühe Kindheit mit einem Master in Pädagogik. Sie findet Mathe-Übungen spannend und freut sich, kleine Kinder in die Welt der Mathematik einzubeziehen, besonders ihre beiden Töchter.


Brad ist Lehrer und Leiter der Matheabteilung der Hillside Student Community. Brad hat am College of Wooster Physik studiert, aber seine wahre Leidenschaft ist das Unterrichten von Mathe und Informatik. Inspiriert von Sal und der Opencourseware-Bewegung hat Brad mit dem Flippen seines Wahlfachs "Intro Programming" experimentiert und zeichnet derzeit alle seine Precalculus-Vorlesungen für seinen geflippten Precalculus-Kurs auf. Außerdem klettert er gerne und ist ein begeisterter Coursera-Nutzer.


Casey ist die Gründerin von Atlanta's Eclectic Music, wo Hunderte von Kindern Musikunterricht nehmen. Casey interessierte sich für den Mathematikunterricht, nachdem sie die Little Middle School gegründet hatte, ein akademisches Heimunterrichtsprogramm. Obwohl es sowohl bei Musik- als auch bei Mathematikschülern und -schülerinnen Mythen über Talent gibt, ist Casey davon überzeugt, dass jeder mit guten Materialien und guter Betreuung erfolgreich sein kann. Sie freut sich, Teil der Bemühungen von Khan Academy zu sein, Millionen von Menschen eine hochwertige Bildung zu ermöglichen.

Ben C.

Ben ist ein Junge aus Virginia und machte 2010 seinen Abschluss an der UVA. Nach seinem Abschluss fuhr er mit dem Fahrrad durch das Land, arbeitete als Englischlehrer in Honduras und in einer Kletterhalle. Danach arbeitete er als Mathenachhilfelehrer an einer High School und war ein Jahr lang Mathematiklehrer an einer Mittelschule. Ben war sechs Sommer lang Betreuer in einem Ferienlager und liebt sportliche Aktivitäten im Freien. Eines Tages hofft er, sein eigenes Sommercamp zu eröffnen.


Sarahs Leidenschaft für das Unterrichten ist es, Schülerinnen und Schülern zu helfen, Mathe zu verstehen und gleichzeitig die Liebe zum Lernen zu entwickeln. Sarah hat viele Jahre als Grundschullehrerin in Reno und Las Vegas, Nevada, gearbeitet. Sarah hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Grund- und Sonderpädagogik von der University of Nevada, Reno. Außerdem hat sie einen M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction von der University of Nevada, Las Vegas.


Teri liebt es, Mathe-Aktivitäten zu entwickeln, die Schüler/innen ansprechen und ihnen helfen, Mathe zu verstehen. Neben ihrer Tätigkeit als Mathematiklehrerin in der Mittel- und Oberstufe hat sie an der Entwicklung von gedruckten und digitalen Produkten für den Mathematikunterricht in der Mittel- und Oberstufe mitgearbeitet. Vor ihrer Arbeit im Mathematikunterricht hat sie für eine Gruppe, die die Ionosphäre erforscht, Programme zur Darstellung von Radar- und Satellitendaten entwickelt.

Ben L.

Nach seinem Abschluss an der Columbia University mit einem Filmstudium, erinnerte sich Ben daran, dass seine wahre Leidenschaft in der Mathematik lag. Er schloss sich den New York City Teaching Fellows an und nahm einen Posten an der High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology in Brooklyn an, wo er über acht wundervolle Jahre hinweg die Bandbreite der High-School-Mathematikkurse unterrichtete.

Wenn er nicht gerade Fragen für die Khan Academy schreibt dann genießt Ben das Reisen, Lesen und Fußball spielen.


Lori ist ein Universitätslehrer in Louisiana. In den letzten 5 Jahren unterrichtete und koordinierte sie College-Algebra und Präcalculus-Kurse im Freshman-Level.

Sie erhielt ihr B.S. in Mathematik von der University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign und ihrem M.S. in Mathematik von der Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.


Chris ist ein Tutor der auf Test spezialisiert ist und lebt in Oakland, Kalifornien. Er hat seinen Abschluss in kognitiver Wissenschaft bei der UC Berkeley im Jahr 2010 gemacht. Er verbringt zudem seine Zeit damit einen Bildungsblog zu schreiben und singt in Acappella-Gruppen.

Als Tutor ist Chris in der Lage, nur denjenigen Schülern zu helfen, deren Familien sich eine teure Nachhilfe leisten können. Daher freut er sich, Teil eines Projekts zu sein, das dazu beiträgt, Bildung für Schüler jeglicher Herkunft zu ermöglichen.


Als lebenslange Süd-Illinoisianerin hat Brenda Erfahrung als Lehrerin an den öffentlichen Schulen von Illinois und im Community College-System. Zurzeit arbeitet sie gerne mit Khan Academy und unterrichtet Kurse am Community College.

Sie erhielt ihre Bachelor- und Master-Abschlüsse an der Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.


Nachdem er auf einer Farm in Iowa aufgewachsen war, promovierte er in Mathematik an der Colorado State University. Duane war an der Fakultät für Mathematik am Loras College und der Loyola Marymount University tätig und ist derzeit in seinem 28. Jahr als Dozent im Fachbereich Mathematik an der University of California in Davis tätig.

Duane ist ein begeisterter Radfahrer, internationaler Reisender und Basketball-Botschafter, und er ist seit 18 Jahren Mitglied des UC Davis Herren Basketball-Trainerstabs.


Ivan absolvierte sein Grundstudium in Elektrotechnik und machte dann einen M.Sc. in Physik und ein Ph.D. in Informatik, alle an der McGill University.

Seine Forschungsinteressen umfassen Informationstheorie (Quantenmaterial) und maschinelles Lernen (Datenmaterial). Ivan unterrichtet seit mehr als 12 Jahren als Privatlehrer Mathematik und Physik. Vor kurzem hat er ein Mathematiklehrbuch geschrieben und einen Lehrbuchverlag gegründet.


Ryan stammt aus North Carolina. Er erwarb seinen Bachelor-Abschluss in Mathematik vom Reed College.

In seiner Freizeit genießt er es, frustrierende Videospiele und auf armselige Weise Tennis zu spielen.


Cloud ist in Los Angeles, Kalifornien, aufgewachsen. Nach einem Aufenthalt in Minneapolis, Minnesota, wo er Solarzellen erforschte, merkte er, dass es dort kalt wird und zog zurück ins Warme! Nachdem er Khan Academy in seinem Studium genutzt hat, ist er der Meinung, dass jeder die Möglichkeit haben sollte, Zugang zu hochwertiger Bildung zu erhalten.

Cloud liebt es, in der freien Natur zu sein und geht klettern, wann immer es ihm möglich ist. Außerdem mag er es, an Dingen herumzubasteln, oder sie komplett selbst herzustellen.


Über neun Jahren unterrichtete Katie in öffentlichen und privaten Schulen Mathematik und verfasste Mathematisches Lernen und Leitung durch Design mit.

Katie entwickelt interaktive und professionelle Lernseminare für Mathematiklehrer rund um das aktive Schlussfolgern und lehrt die Vorgesetzten von Lehrern partnerschaftliche Coaching-Beziehungen mit ihren Kollegen zu knüpfen.

Katie hat eine Leidenschaft für den Mathematikunterricht und studiert derzeit im Rahmen ihrer Doktorarbeit Lehrpläne und Unterricht.


Kathy hat sich dem Ziel verschrieben, allen Schülerinnen und Schülern einen exzellenten Mathematikunterricht zu bieten. Sie ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren führend in der Mathematikausbildung auf Sekundar- und Hochschulebene tätig. Als Gründerin und Leiterin des Mathematics Leadership Corps an der Loyola Marymount University ist Kathy Mitautorin und Lehrerin der Lehrmethoden "Mathematics Learning" und "Leadership by Design", sie coacht Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, die in ihren Organisationen Veränderungen herbeiführen wollen, und sie liebt das Chaos.

Darüber hinaus unterrichtet Kathy derzeit an einer öffentlichen High School in Los Angeles, Kalifornien.


Ryan Benjamin

Nachdem er seine Bachelorarbeit an der Penn University über die Schwierigkeiten und Hindernisse geschrieben hatte, mit denen Schüler der West Philadelphia High School konfrontiert waren, um die High School erfolgreich abzuschließen und aufs College zu gehen, beschloss Ryan, seiner Leidenschaft für Bildung weiter nachzugehen. Er trat 2009 den DC Teaching Fellows bei und zog in die Hauptstadt, um drei Jahre lang an der Anacostia High School Mathematik zu unterrichten (und den Lehrstuhl zu übernehmen). Zurzeit ist er Direktor für Daten und Bewertung an der Washington Latin Public Charter School im Bezirk und hat außerdem das Glück, Direktor der Summer School zu sein, Geometrie und Algebra II zu unterrichten, das Quiz Bowl-Team zu coachen und in der Schüler- und Lehrer-Jazzband Trompete zu spielen.

An der Penn University studierte Ryan Urbanistik und Spanisch und war Mitglied der Studentenregierung. Außerdem erwarb er 2011 einen Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction an der American University. Er gibt auch privat Nachhilfe in vielen Bereichen.

Jared Nakamura

Jared schloss sein Studium an der Michigan Technological University mit einem B.S. in angewandter Mathematik ab. Während meines Studiums habe ich gerne als Nachhilfelehrer für Physikstudenten gearbeitet und Arbeiten für den Kalkulationsunterricht benotet. Zurzeit mache ich eine Ausbildung zum Versicherungsmathematiker. Ich zeichne, schreibe und spiele gerne Klavier.

Stacy Beaudoin

Stacy hat 11 Jahre Erfahrung als Mathematiklehrerin an der High School. Im Laufe ihrer Lehrtätigkeit entwickelte sie eine Vorliebe für die Entwicklung von Lernaktivitäten und Bewertungen. Vor kurzem hat sie diese Leidenschaft aufgegriffen und sich beruflich verändert. Zurzeit arbeitet sie als Redaktionsassistentin für einen Verlag und entwickelt gerne Inhalte für das SAT-Projekt von Khan Academy. Stacy hat ihren Bachelor-Abschluss am Bowdoin College und ihren Master-Abschluss in Mathematik an der University of New Hampshire gemacht. Wenn sie nicht arbeitet, liest Stacy gerne, geht mit ihrem Hund wandern und verbringt Zeit mit ihren Neffen.

Matthew Lancellotti

Matt ist ein selbsternannter Mathemaginator. Bei Khan Academy schreibt er SAT-Fragen und beschäftigt sich täglich mit JavaScript.

Matt hat die Rutgers University mit einem Bachelor of Science in Mathematik und Musik abgeschlossen. Matt liebt Tennis, die Geige und das Klavier.

Kevin Glynn

Nachdem er sich an der UC Davis für einen Doktortitel in Physik beworben hatte, änderte Kevin seine Meinung. Er beantragte und erhielt seinen Master-Abschluss und begann, in Carver, MA, Physik und Mathematik an der High School zu unterrichten. Als langjähriger Fan von Khan Academy und Anhänger des "One World Schoolhouse" freut sich Kevin darauf, seine Erfahrungen als Ingenieur, Lehrer und Physiker - sowohl in der Wissenschaft als auch in der Industrie - an Schüler/innen auf der ganzen Welt weiterzugeben. Kevin wird ständig von seiner Frau und seinen sechs Söhnen inspiriert und lebt in Massachusetts.

Tian Yu Yen

Tian Yu ist schon seit seiner Schulzeit begeistert davon, Mathematik zu unterrichten! Als Pädagoge in Denver liebt es Tian Yu, Schülern zu zeigen, dass Mathematik sowohl verständlich als auch interessant ist und Spaß macht! Außerhalb der Mathematik tanzt Tian Yu gerne und spielt Capoeira. “Berimbau tocou na capoeira. Berimbau tocou, eu vou jogar!”

Fred Chapman

Fred ist Universitätsprofessor für Mathematik und Computerwissenschaften. Er promovierte in angewandter Mathematik an der University of Waterloo in Ontario, Kanada, unter der Leitung von Keith Geddes, dem Miterfinder des Computeralgebrasystems Maple. In seiner Doktorarbeit erfand Fred eine neue Familie unendlicher Reihenentwicklungen für multivariate Funktionen, die er zu Ehren seines Betreuers Geddes-Reihen nannte. Fred ist ein Experte für mathematische Software und ein starker Verfechter der Bildungstechnologie. Er ist begeistert, dass er alle Mathefragen der Khan Academy bearbeiten kann!

Charlotte Auen

Charlotte ist eine Verfechterin des individualisierten Lernens und hat dieses Prinzip in ihrem eigenen Leben und in ihrem Unterricht angewendet. In ihrem ersten Studiengang hat sie sich auf Puzzles und Spiele spezialisiert (auch wenn es in ihrem Abschlusszeugnis des Mary Baldwin College Mathematik und Informatik heißt) und ihren Master of Education in Mathematik und Sprachwissenschaften für Schüler der Mittelstufe absolviert.Wenn sie nicht gerade Inhalte für KA schreibt, ist Charlotte ein aktives Mitglied ihrer lokalen Gehörlosengemeinschaft (obwohl sie selbst hörend ist) und diskutiert mit ihrem Mann über Theologie oder übt Spanisch.


Sid hat über 10 Jahre lang in zwei Ländern viele Fächer unterrichtet. Er setzt sich leidenschaftlich dafür ein, möglichst vielen Menschen qualitativ hochwertige und innovative Bildung zugänglich zu machen, und arbeitet deshalb gerne bei Khan Academy.

Sid hat die University of Chicago mit einem Bachelor in Mathematik abgeschlossen und sich zusätzlich auf Russisch konzentriert. Er ist ein begeisterter Programmierer und Schachspieler und hat Spaß an Wortspielen und Tischtennis.


Sulinya hat drei Abschlüsse in Ingenieurwesen und Physik vom MIT. Schon als Kind liebte Sulinya Rätsel, Problemlösungen und mathematische Wettbewerbe. Ihr Ziel ist es, Mathematik für Schüler/innen interessant und unterhaltsam zu gestalten, damit sie nicht nur gute Leistungen erbringen, sondern auch die Liebe zu diesem Fach entwickeln.


Brittany Enzmann


Brittany ist eine Biologe mit einem Eifer für Bildung und Forschung. Sie hat ihren Ph.D. in Biologie an der Universität von Kalifornien, Los Angeles und spezialisiert sich auf die Evolution, Ökologie und Verhalten sozialer Insekten. Sie absolvierte ein Postdoktorat an der Arizona State University, wo sie die chemosensorischen Fähigkeiten von Ameisen und epigenetische Effekte auf Ameisenverhalten untersuchte. Sie liebt es, innovative Unterrichtsmaterialien für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften zu lehren und zu entwickeln. Die Bretagne liebt auch Fotografie, Reisen und Chai Lattes.

Becky Anderson


Derzeit promoviert Becky an der University of Rhode Island in Neurowissenschaften. Bevor sie an der URI teilnahm, erhielt sie ihren BA und MS in Biologische Wissenschaften am Dartmouth College bzw. der Plymouth State University. Becky interessiert sich besonders für das Verhalten von Tieren. Sie hat zuvor biologische Rhythmen bei Pfeilschwanzkrebsen untersucht und studiert jetzt die Neurobiologie der Aggression bei Hummern.

Paul King


Paul King ist ein freiberuflicher Schriftsteller und akademischer Tutor mit Sitz in New York City. Im Jahr 2009 schloss er Magna Cum Laude mit Auszeichnung an der University of Delaware ab, wo er seinen Abschluss in Chemie machte. 2015 gründete er sein eigenes Nachhilfeunternehmen, Paul King Prep LLC. Pauls Arbeit mit der Khan Academy beinhaltet das Schreiben und Beitragen von Artikeln im Themenbereich der Chemie. Du kannst Paul kontaktieren oder mehr über ihn auf seiner Website erfahren: PaulKingPrep.com.

Richard Graham


Dr. Graham ist ein Experimentalphysiker, der sich auf Laser und Atomphysik spezialisiert hat. Ursprünglich aus Neuseeland stammend, promovierte er an der Universität von Canterbury mit dem weltweit größten Ringlaserkreisel - einem unterirdischen Instrument zur Präzisionsmessung der Erdrotation. Seitdem arbeitet er an der University of Washington an der Entwicklung der Technologie zur Nutzung einzelner gefangener Ionen als Teil eines Quantencomputers.


Melissa Graeber

Melissa hat Englische Literatur an der San Francisco State University studiert, während sie nebenbei Englischkurse für die High School entwarf und mit ihren ersten Schülern arbeitete. Als Fachbereichsleiterin für Englisch an einer alternativen High School leitete sie eine komplette Überarbeitung des Englischlehrplans mit Schwerpunkt auf forschungsbasiertem, generativem Lernen. Auf diesem Weg arbeitete sie mit Schülern und Lehrern zusammen, um ein Programm zum Schreiben von College-Aufsätzen und Abschlussarbeiten zu entwickeln. Melissa hat auch im Büro des Präsidenten der University of California als High School Articulation Analyst gearbeitet, wo sie Schulen im ganzen Bundesstaat bei der Entwicklung und Verbesserung ihres Englisch-Lehrplans unterstützt hat.

Tamra Andrews

Tamra ist eine freiberufliche Autorin und Bibliothekarin mit mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung in der Erstellung von Bildungsinhalten. Sie lebt in Spicewood, Texas, in der Nähe von Austin, und arbeitet für eine Reihe von Verlagen und Testentwicklern, die sich auf K-12-Tests konzentrieren. Tamra hat an der University of Texas in Austin einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Englisch und einen Master-Abschluss in Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft gemacht. Sie hat viele Jahre lang Drehbücher für Astronomieradios geschrieben und Bücher über historische Astronomie und Himmelsmythen veröffentlicht. Ihre Biografie und eine Skizze ihrer früheren Arbeit sind in Something About the Author Volume 129 (and) Contemporary Authors Online (Gale 2002) veröffentlicht.

Ali Hedberg

Ali received her B.A. in history from Brown University and then began her career teaching middle school in Boston. She has taught 6th and 8th grade English and history, special education, ESL, and health. She also has experience coaching first-year teachers on best instructional practices. Aside from enjoying teaching, history, and literature, Ali loves to stay active, play with her son, and travel. She is attempting to visit every U.S. national park and section hike the Appalachian Trail.

Rosie Friedland

Rosie earned her B.A. in History from the University of California, Irvine in 2011. She is the Regional Director of Resident Services for a non-profit affordable housing corporation, where she finds and creates resources for residents who need them.


Laura graduated from New Saint Andrews College with a dual B.A./M.A. in liberal arts and theology, where she served as class whip, was selected as an ISI Honors Fellow, and helped found and coach a local speech and debate club. She subsequently completed an M.S. in Biological Science at LSU-Shreveport, where she was employed as a research assistant to edit manuscripts, grant proposals, and other technical documents. Outside of work and education, her interests include Crossfit, choral music, and experimenting with the combined effects of caffeine and sleep deprivation.

Aaron LaDuke

Aaron started his career in education teaching high school English in rural North Carolina with Teach for America and has gone on to teach literature and writing at public and private high schools and at the community college and university level. He earned a Ph.D. in American literature from Ohio University and currently serves as a lecturer in the department of language and literature at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Aaron recently spent a year in his home state of North Dakota working in the oil fields of the Bakken shale formation and writing about the current energy boom taking place there.

Michelle Getchell

Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten

Michelle Getchell erwarb ihren Ph.D. in Geschichte an der Universität von Texas in Austin. Ihre Arbeit wurde von der Gesellschaft für Historiker der amerikanischen Auslandsbeziehungen und des amerikanischen Rates für internationale Bildung finanziert und erschien in der Zeitschrift für Studien des Kalten Krieges, südkalifornischen Vierteljährigen und Jenseits des Adlers Schatten: Neue Geschichten von Lateinamerikas Kaltem Krieg. Sie war postdoktor-Stipendiatin für internationale Sicherheit und US-Außenpolitik am Dartmouth College und Gaststipendiatin am Kennan Institut des Woodrow Wilson internationalem Zentrum für Akademiker. Sie lehrt Geschichte an der Shaw-Universität in Raleigh, North Carolina, und arbeitet derzeit an ihrer ersten Monografie, einer Untersuchung der amerikanisch-sowjetisch-lateinamerikanischen Beziehungen im Kalten Krieg.

John Louis Recchiuti

Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten

John studied at Wesleyan University and at Warwick University, U.K. before earning the doctorate in History at Columbia University. He chairs the history department at University of Mount Union. He has taught at University of Michigan, Columbia University, CCNY and NYU. A member of the National Council for History Education, his 2007 book, Civic Engagement, was nominated for the Bancroft and Parkman prizes.


Anh-Chi Furey

Anh-Chi has taught LSAT since 2008 and currently works in the non-profit sector of education to promote equity and inclusion for all students. She lives and golfs in San Diego with her husband and three dogs (not including all of the dogs that visit the doggie daycare center she runs out of her home).

Danny Coleman

Danny spent six years as a full-time test-prep instructor and has worked with over 1500 students in Montreal, Toronto, New York City, and Saudi Arabia. He has 99th percentile scores on the GRE, GMAT, and LSAT. He currently lives in Carbondale, Illinois, where he teaches composition and studies fiction at Southern Illinois University.

Jess Hendel

Jess Hendel is a Los Angeles-based writer. She has a BA in Sociology from Amherst College and an MFA in Writing for Screen and Television from USC's School of Cinematic Arts. She's worked for many years as a tutor and educational content writer.

Annie Hollister

Annie Hollister is a JD candidate at Harvard Law School. She holds a BA (Hons) in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics and an MSc in Sociology from the University of Oxford. She grew up in New York City and is delighted to return to the East Coast after ten years in Oxford, London, and San Francisco.

Gesundheit und Medizin

Carole Yue

University of California, Los Angeles

Dr. Carole Yue is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, GA. She received her Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her teaching and research interests include multimedia learning, metacognition, and the educational applications of cognitive psychology.

Jasmine Rana

Harvard Medical School

Jasmine Rana is a MD Candidate at Harvard Medical School, Boston. She received her BA in Chemistry from Wellesley College. She has a special interest in medical education.

Jeffrey Walsh

Die medizinische Fakultät der George Washington Universität

Dr. Jeffrey P. Walsh earned his M.D. from The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in 2014. He is currently completing his psychiatry residency at Kaiser Permanente in Southern California.

Matthew Barry Jensen

University of Wisconsin

Matthew B. Jensen, MD, MS, is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. He holds a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Iowa and a Master of Science degree in clinical investigation from the University of Wisconsin. He’s complete his neurology residency at the University of Iowa and his vascular neurology fellowship at the University of California, San Diego.

Patrick van Nieuwenhuizen

College of Physicians and Surgeons an der Columbia Universität

Patrick studierte Physik in Princeton, verbrachte dann zwei Jahre mit der Gründung und Leitung einer medizinisch ausgelegten non-profit Organisation in Zimbabwe. Er ist nun Medizinstudent an der Columbia Universität.

Raja Narayan

University of California, Irvine School of Medicine

Raja R. Narayan earned his BS in Chemistry from UC Berkeley in 2009 and MPH in Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology from the Yale School of Public Health in 2014. Raja is currently a medical student at the UC Irvine School of Medicine and will be applying this Fall to residency in General Surgery.

Ronald Sahyouni

University of California, Irvine School of Medicine

Ronald Sahyouni is in the Medical Scientist Training Program (MD/PhD) at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine. Ron graduated with a double major in Molecular and Cell Biology and Psychology from UC Berkeley. He has conducted Glioblastoma (brain tumor) stem cell research at the Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery Department, and is interested in treating neuro-degenerative disorders with stem cell based therapies.

Ross Firestone

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Ross Firestone is an MD/PhD student at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. His thesis research is focused on enzymology.

Ryan Scott Patton

University of Arkansas

Ryan Patton is a medical student at Emory University School of Medicine. Before medical school, he graduated from the University of Arkansas with a BS in Nursing and spent several years working as an RN in a medical/surgical intensive care unit. He also taught critical care clinical rotations for the U of A's nursing program. He is passionate about healthcare and education, and is thrilled to blend the two at Khan Academy.

Shreena Desai

Georgetown University

Shreena J. Desai verdiente ihren B.S. in Biomedical Engineering an der University of Connecticut im Jahr 2013 und ihren M.S. in Physiology Komplementäre und alternative Medizin von der Georgetown University im Jahr 2014. Shreena ist auch ein Forschungspraktikant am National Cancer Institute und National Institutes of Health, Abteilung für Krebsbehandlung und Diagnose.

Sydney Brown

Pomona College

Sydney Brown verbrachte einige Zeit mit dem Studium der Neurowissenschaften am University College London in England und erhielt später einen BA in Neurowissenschaften vom Pomona College. Zurzeit studiert sie, um eine Arzthelferin zu werden.

Tracy Kim Kovach

Medizinische Fakultät der University of Virginia

Tracy Kovac ist im vierten Jahr des Medizinstudiums an der UVA und möchte eine Facharztausbildung im Bereich Orthopädie machen.

Jay Skipper

Khan Academy

Dr. Jay Skipper is Contributing Editor for Chemistry. He received his M.D. from the University of South Florida in 2006. Currently he is a teacher who enjoys spending time with his wife and creating portrait paintings. Jay used to spend his spare time tutoring and is thrilled that he is now able to help other students through Khan Academy.

Joshua Cohen

University of Miami

Joshua Cohen is a medical student at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from The University of Michigan and a Master of Science in physiology and biophysics from Georgetown University. His research and clinical interests lie in the field of invasive cardiology.

Amy Fan

University of Virginia

Amy W. Fan is a pediatrician in her final year of residency. She graduated from the University of California, San Diego with a Bachelor's degree in Sociocultural Anthropology.

A. J. Grieco

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

A.J. arbeitet derzeit an ihrer Doktorarbeit am Albert Einstein College of Medicine und besitzt einen Master in biomedizinischen Wissenschaften.

Ian Mannarino

University of California, Irvine

Ian Mannarino is a dual degree MD/MBA student at the University of California, Irvine, currently set to graduate in June 2015. After graduation, he will continue his medical training in Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care. Ian holds a special interest in both health care education and policy implementation.

Lisa Miklush

Gonzaga University

Dr. Lisa Miklush received her PhD from the University of San Diego and is currently an assistant professor at Gonzaga University.

Nauroz Syed

Eastern Virginia Medical School

Nauroz Syed is a Doctor of Medicine candidate at Eastern Virginia Medical School. She received her B.S. in Neuroscience from Johns Hopkins University, and her Masters of Health Science in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology from Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health. She plans to pursue further training in Internal Medicine.


Bianca Yoo

University of Vermont College of Medicine

Dr. Bianca Yoo is an internal medicine resident at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, hoping to pursue a fellowship in cardiology.

Jeff Otjen

Seattle Kinderklinik

Dr. Jeffrey Otjen is a Pediatric Radiologist at Seattle Children's Hospital and an Assistant Professor of Radiology with the University of Washington. He received his M.D. from Baylor College of Medicine, and is double board certified in General Pediatrics and General Radiology, along with completing a fellowship in Pediatric Radiology. He teaches medical students, residents, and fellows at Seattle Children's and the University of Washington.

Vishal Punwani

St. Vincent Krankenhaus in Melbourne

Vishal Punwani is an MD candidate at Melbourne Medical School, with a background in biology and nutrition. He has held lab teaching positions in biology and human anatomy at the University of Victoria, the University of British Columbia, and the University of Melbourne. Vish is passionate about medicine and physiology, but like any good Canadian, he holds ice hockey and boundless politeness above all else.

Jimmy Howick

Jacksonville University

Jimmy Howick attended Jacksonville University for undergraduate studies on a baseball scholarship but left early when chosen in the 2011 MLB Draft to play professional baseball for the Houston Astros organization. After the conclusion of his baseball career, he returned to JU and graduated from the Davis College of Business. He is currently completing the Post Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program at Georgetown University and will apply to medical school in the coming year.

Matthew McPheeters

Medizinische Fakultät der University of Minnesota

Matthew is a MD/MBA student at the University of Minnesota Medical School and Carlson School of Management. He is currently working the MBA portion of his studies with a focus on the medical industry. After graduation, he is planning entering the field of neurosurgery.

Brooke Miller

University of Texas at Austin

Brooke is a doctoral candidate in Developmental Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on how children develop concepts of authenticity and the role that authenticity might play in education.


David Santo Pietro

University of California, Davis

David is a Content Creator for Physics. He received his Masters degree in Physics at the University of California at Davis in 2006. David is currently teaching high school physics at The Meadows School in Las Vegas and investigating the effectiveness of various pedagogical approaches to teaching physics. He has published research on carbon nanotubes and is currently researching how the limitations of language affect the statements made by scientific theory.

Arshya Vahabzadeh

Harvard Medical School

Arshya is a resident physician in child and adolescent psychiatry at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. He received his medical degree from the University of Birmingham, and his MRCGP from the Royal College of General Practitioners. He is a federal autism grant awardee, and is very interested in the neuroimmune mechanisms of autism spectrum disorders. He has received prominent leadership awards from the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association.

Efrat Bruck

Columbia University Medical Center

Efrat currently works in Columbia University Medical Center conducting research in nephrology and clinical genetics. She has co-authored papers describing the potential use of a renal protein, NGAL, to help patients with hemochromatosis. Formerly, she taught biology, Hebrew, and music in a high school in New York City. She graduated from Touro College with a major in Biology and is now applying to medical school.


David Bridge

College der Redwoods

David studiert biologische Psychologie und ist Jazzmusiker. Seine Forschung umfasst Aufmerksamkeit, multisensorische Integration und die Auswirkungen, die Wahrnehmungs- und Empfindungsstörungen auf Verhalten, soziale Kognition und Entscheidungsfindung haben können.


Chris Su

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Chris graduierte 2011 am Massachusetts Institute of Technology mit einem Abschluss in Biologie und Geschichte. Derzeit ist er Medizinstudent im vierten Jahr an der Icahn School of Medicine am Mount Sinai in New York City. Er hofft, die medizinische Ausbildung in der Inneren Medizin nach dem Abschluss fortsetzen zu können.

John Luckoski

University of Toledo College of Medicine

John is a medical student in the Class of 2017 at the University of Toledo College of Medicine. He earned his bachelors degree in Creative Writing and Philosophy at Miami University, and works as a tutor at the University of Toledo College of Medicine.


Aleksandra Degtyar

University of California, Los Angeles

Aleksandra is a medical school student at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. She received her BA in Molecular and Cell Biology from UC Berkeley in 2013.


Sruti Nadimpalli

Columbia Medical Center

Sruti Nadimpalli recently completed a Pediatric Infectious Disease fellowship at Columbia Medical Center, where she was the recipient of the Thrasher Pediatric Research Foundation Early Career Award grant. She has a specific interest in the care of immunodeficient and immunocompromised children.


Humberto Dutra

Life University

Humberto is an Associate Professor at Life University in Marietta, GA. He graduated from Campinas State University in Brazil and received his PhD from University of Missouri in St Louis. He is been teaching anatomy and physiology over the last 5 years and has his own youtube channel to teach biology.


Edward Zed Sanchez

University of Central Florida

Edward recently received his M.D. from the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida. Currently, he is completing his internship year in Internal Medicine at the Orlando Regional Medical Center and will be completing his residency in Diagnostic Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.


Clement Lin

DePaul University

Clement is a MS student in Computer Science at DePaul University. He graduated from Chang Gung Medical College in Taiwan, specializing in health, medicine, and social sciences related information management.

Theodore Roth

University of California, San Francisco

Theodore is an MD/PhD student at the University of California, San Francisco. From Birmingham, Alabama, he is a graduate of Stanford University with degrees in biology and biomedical informatics. At UCSF he works on medical and immunology research.


Garrick Trapp

Columbia University Medical Center

Garrick currently researches pancreatic and gastric cancer for the Pancreas Center at Columbia University Medical Center. Before working for Columbia, Garrick worked as a curriculum designer and content creator for tutoring companies in New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area. Garrick holds degrees in Astrophysics, Comparative Literature, and Music from the University of California, Berkeley where he also taught for the Physics and Astronomy departments.


William Tsai

NYU School of Medicine

William has a B.S. in Biochemistry from CSULA and has recently received his M.A. in Teaching with a specialization in Secondary Science from Relay GSE. He taught high school chemistry and physics in Bronx, NY as a Teach for America Corps member from 2012-2014. He is currently a medical student at NYU School of Medicine.


Kelly MacKenzie

American University

Kelly earned her MA in Psychology from American University in Washington DC in 2012. For the next two years she served as a co-investigator of the Female Athlete Body Project, a NIMH funded clinical trial that focused on the prevention of eating disorders in college athletes. She hopes to eventually pursue a PhD in Health Psychology.


Allen Zheng

University of California, Berkeley

For the past two years, I have mentored Los Angeles high school students, from lower income neighbourhoods, as a college access advisor. The opportunity to level the playing field for these students, especially those interested in pursuing medical education, is what motivates me.


Lucas Philipp

Emory University School of Medicine

Lucas is an MD candidate at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia. Previously, he attended the University of Kansas, where he graduated with Distinction with a BA in Human Biology and a Minor in Music. Lucas has worked for several years as a tutor at the University of Kansas, and has longstanding interests in education and the sciences.


Rabee Haq

University of Maryland, College Park

Rabee recently received his BA in Positive Psychology, Philosophy, and Happiness from the University of Maryland, College Park. He is currently working as a clinical intern, a teaching assistant, and is the primary investigator of psychological research on campus.


Jeff Collins

Westminster College

Jeff is a pre-medical student from Salt Lake City, Utah. He received his B.S. with majors in Biology and Environmental Science from Westminster College. His research has focused on mercury bioaccumulation and microbial diversity in the Great Salt Lake. He now serves as a volunteer coordinator for a free clinic through Americorps VISTA.


Bradley Kolb

University of Michigan

Bradley is a researcher at the University of Michigan Department of Neurosurgery, where he studies interactions between cancer and the immune system. Before coming to Michigan, he studied philosophy and mathematics at the Ohio State University. He plans to start medical school in the fall of 2015.


Jason Batten

Stanford University School of Medicine

Jason Batten is currently a medical student at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Before applying to medical school, he taught chemistry and physics in South Central Los Angeles, initially as a 2008 Teach For America Corps Member. He served in several capacities as a teacher leader on the school and district level. In 2012, Jason earned a master's degree in bioethics and began serving in the bioethics department of a community hospital. He continues to be actively involved in research in both science education and clinical ethics.

Jordan Weil

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Jordan is a class of 2017 medical student at the University of Minnesota’s Twin Cities campus. He earned a bachelor’s degree with majors in mathematics and physics from the University of Chicago, and completed post-baccalaureate pre-medical work at Loyola University Chicago.


Sze Yan

Universität von Chicago

Sze received his BA from the University of Chicago and currently works as an educational consultant in the New York area. Over the past decade, he has worked for various organizations to develop content and to prepare students for the MCAT with his recent focus on working with students from underrepresented and non-traditional backgrounds.

William Gilpin

Stanford Universität

William Gilpin earned his A.B. in physics from Princeton University, where he conducted research in areas ranging from quantum photonics to biomechanics. He is currently working on a PhD in applied physics at Stanford, where he is developing theoretical models of the origin of life.

Emma Giles

Boston Children's Hospital

Emma is a pediatric researcher at the Boston Children's Hospital. She holds a MSc in Neuroscience from the Florey Neuroscience Institute (Melbourne), and completed her BSc as a combined major in biology and psychology at the University of Victoria (Canada). Emma's favorite thing to do is exercise – she runs several times a week and loves hiking and hockey.

Kunst und Geschichte


Dr. Amy Calvert

Dr. Amy Calvert is the Contributing Editor for Ancient Egyptian art. Amy holds a Ph.D. from the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University and has been involved in several excavations in Italy, Egypt, and the U.S. She acted as registrar in the field for the Osiris Temple Project with the Yale-University of Pennsylvania-New York University Expedition to Abydos and has worked at The British Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.


Dr. Esperança Camara

Dr. Esperança Camara is Contributing Editor for Renaissance and Baroque Art. She received her BA from Reed College and her PhD from Johns Hopkins University with concentrations in Italian Renaissance and Baroque art and nineteenth-century French art. Her research focuses on Italian devotional art of the post-Tridentine period. In 2006 she received the Excellence in Teaching and Campus Leadership Award at the University of Saint Francis in Fort Wayne, Indiana where she is currently Associate Professor of Art History and Director of the MA in Studio Art Program.


Dr. Sally Hickson

Dr. Sally Hickson is Contributing Editor for Renaissance art in Northern Italy. She is Associate Professor of Renaissance Art History at the University of Guelph. Sally received the H.P. Krauss Fellowship in early books and manuscripts at the Beinecke Library at Yale University (2009), and the Natalie Zemon Davis Award from the Journal Renaissance and Reformation (2010). She is the author of Women, Art and Architectural Patronage in Renaissance Mantua: Matrons, Mystics and Monasteries (2012), and co-editor of Inganno—The Art of Deception (2012).


Dr. Rebecca Jeffrey Easby

Dr. Rebecca Jeffrey Easby is the Contributing Editor for 19th Century Art and an Associate Professor of Art History and Chair of the Fine Arts Program at Trinity Washington University in Washington, D.C. Her research can be found in publications such as The Burlington Magazine and History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism (Garland Press). She received her Ph.D. from the Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London.


Dr. Steven Fine

Dr. Steven Fine is contributing editor for Jewish Art. He received his doctorate in Jewish History from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and his MA in Art History from USC. Fine’s Art and Judaism in the Greco-Roman World: Toward a New Jewish Archaeology (2005; rev. ed. 2010) received the Association for Jewish Studies' Jordan Schnitzer Book Award in 2009. He is Professor of Jewish history at Yeshiva University and director of the Arch of Titus Digital Restoration Project.


Dr. Lauren G. Kilroy-Ewbank

Dr. Lauren G. Kilroy-Ewbank is the Contributing Editor for Latin American Colonial art. She received her Ph.D. in Art History from the University of California Los Angeles. In 2013, she received a Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation Fellowship for Excellence in Teaching at Brooklyn College, CUNY, where she is currently an Assistant Professor of Art History.


Dr. Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis

Dr. Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis is Contributing Editor for the Arts of the Islamic World. She is an archaeologist and architectural historian. She is currently Visiting Assistant Professor at the Graduate Center at CUNY and serves on the governing board of the Archaeological Institute of America. She has a DPhil in Classical Archaeology from Oxford University.


Dr. Joanna Milk Mac Farland

Dr. Joanna Milk Mac Farland is Contributing Editor for Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Tuscan Art. She recently received her Ph.D. in the History of Art from the University of London’s Courtauld Institute of Art, where she attended as a Thomas Lee scholar. Currently, she is working on a book project investigating depictions of visionary experience in early Renaissance Italy.


Dr. Nancy Ross

Dr. Nancy Ross is Contributing Editor for Medieval Art. She received her Ph.D. in the History of Art from Cambridge University in 2007. She specializes in medieval illuminated manuscripts and teaches art history at Dixie State College of Utah.


Allison Young

Allison Young is Contributing Editor for Global Modern and Contemporary Art. She is a doctoral candidate in Art History at the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU. She has held positions at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Allison is currently a graduate fellow in NYU’s Global Research Center in London.


Dr. Bryan J. Zygmont

Dr. Bryan J. Zygmont is Contributing Editor for American Art. He earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Art History and Archaeology at the University of Maryland in 2006. He is currently Assistant Professor of Art History at Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa. Zygmont is the author of Portraiture and Politics in New York City, 1790-1825: Gilbert Stuart, John Vanderlyn, John Trumbull, and John Welsey Jarvis, a book he partially wrote while a Visiting Scholar at the National Portrait Gallery. Zygmont was a Fulbright Scholar in 2013.


Dr. Kris Belden-Adams

Dr. Kris Belden-Adams is an Assistant Professor of Art History at the University of Mississippi. Her work has appeared in Afterimage, Cabinet, and in the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s 2012 book Faking It: Manipulated Photography before Photoshop.


Dr. William Allen

Dr. William Allen teaches art history at Arkansas State University. William received his doctorate from Johns Hopkins in Byzantine art and architecture. He has traveled widely and lived for periods in Turkey and Afghanistan


Dr. Jessica L. Ambler

Dr. Jessica L. Ambler holds a Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Barbara with a specialization is Roman architecture. She was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at UCSB and a Curatorial Assistant at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. She now teaches Humanities online for Southern New Hampshire University.


Dr. Colette Apelian

Dr. Colette Apelian has a doctorate in art history from the University of California, Los Angeles where she specialized in Islamic Art and Architectural History. Dr. Apelian lives and researches in Morocco and is currently writing a manuscript on the histories of electricity and automobiles in French colonial Fez, among other projects that address the visual cultures of North Africa. Dr. Apelian teaches online for Berkeley City College.


Roger D. Arnold

Roger D. Arnold is currently Curatorial Assistant for the Arts of Africa, Pacific Islands, Asia, and the Islamic World at the Brooklyn Museum. He has held professional appointments in museums, libraries, and archives throughout the New York City area. His research interests include West and Central African textiles, and the display and interpretation of African art in American museums. He studied Art History and Africana studies at Hobart & William Smith Colleges and City College of the City University of New York.


Dr. Darius Arya He

Dr. Darius Arya He received his Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology from the University of Texas in Austin in 2002. He has been a Fulbright Fellow and a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome. Darius co-founded the American Institute for Roman Culture and has directed numerous excavations including digs in the Roman Forum and Ostia Antica. has appeared the History, National Geographic, and Discovery Channels.


Dr. Jeffrey A. Becker

Dr. Jeffrey A. Becker has focused his research on Italo-Roman architecture and urbanism, but is interested in urbanism across the Mediterranean basin, as a well as in building techniques, city planning, Roman villas, and archaeological theory. Becker was trained in Classics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (M.A., Ph.D.) and has extensive experience as a classroom instructor and as an excavator, having worked for a number of years in and around Rome.


Dr. Javier Berzal de Dios

Dr. Javier Berzal de Dios received his Ph.D. from Ohio State University. He is an Assistant Professor of Early Modern Art and Critical Theory at Western Washington University. His research and writing addresses the intersections of art, architecture, and theory, with a focus on space and spatiality.


Christine Bolli

Christine Bolli is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Santa Barbara focusing on Romanesque architecture in Provence and Cistercian architecture. Christine works as an instructor for Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara and Ventura as well as for CSU Channel Islands. She writes for Art Fix Daily.


Doris Bravo

Doris Bravo is a Ph.D. candidate in Art History at The University of Texas at Austin, specializing in twentieth-century Latin American art. She is currently completing her dissertation research in Chile with support from the Institute of International Education Graduate Fellowship for International Study.


Alexander Brey

Alexander Brey is a Ph.D. candidate in the History of Art at Bryn Mawr College, where he also received his M.A. His thesis focused on early medieval triconch halls and the early Islamic palace known as Mushatta, and his dissertation is about images of hunting in architectural decoration produced within the Umayyad empire.


Dr. Katherine T. Brown

Dr. Katherine T. Brown is Assistant Professor of Art History and Director of Museum Studies at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. from Indiana University-Bloomington. Research areas of interest include images of the Madonna della Misericordia in Medieval and Renaissance art, self-portraiture in Venice during the Renaissance, and the oeuvre of Luca Signorelli.


Dr. Catherine Burdick

Dr. Catherine Burdick holds a Ph.D. in Art History from the University of Illinois at Chicago, specializing broadly in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, and specifically in relationships between portraiture and hieroglyphs in Classic Maya sculpture. She has taught art history at several institutions, including Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design and UIC.


Emily Casden

Emily Casden received her M.A. in art history from Hunter College in 2011. She specializes in twentieth-century modernism, with a strong interest in German Expressionism, Futurism, Interwar and Postwar art, and art theory and aesthetics.


Matt Collins

Matt Collins is a Ph.D. candidate in Italian Studies at Harvard University, where he specializes in medieval and modern cultural history. He earned his MA from New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts. His thesis was on the convergence of propagandized literature, art and architecture under the fascist regime. His dissertation will deal with particular illustrations of Dante’s Divine Comedy.


Dr. Christina Connett

Dr. Christina Connett is Curator of Exhibitions and Collections at the New Bedford Whaling Museum in New Bedford, Massachusetts. She has an MA from the University of Auckland New Zealand, and a Ph.D. candidate from the University of Valencia in Spain. Connett has taught Art History and the History of Cartography at the Rhode Island School of Design and University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.


Pippa Couch

Pippa Couch holds a Masters in History of Art from the Courtauld Institute of Art, London and specializes in the art from Antiquity to Byzantium. She is currently working as a gallery educator at the Courtauld Institute Galleries and the Dulwich Picture Gallery in London.


Dr. Joseph Dauben

Dr. Joseph Dauben is Distinguished Professor of History at Herbert H. Lehman College and the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York. He has published widely on many subjects including the History of Science, the History of Mathematics, the Scientific Revolution, Sociology of Science, and Intellectual History. He received his Ph.D. at Harvard University.


Dr. Radha Dalal

Dr. Radha Dalal is Assistant Professor of islamic Art and Architecture at Virginia Commonwealth University in Doha, Qatar. She researches visual cultures of mobility with a particular emphasis on architecture and the urban environment of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th and early 20th centuries and the empire’s socio-political interactions with other European and Asian polities.


Linda Downs

Linda Downs is Executive Director and CEO of College Art Association. Previously she was Director of the Figge Art Museum; Director of Education at the National Gallery of Art; and Curator of Education at the Detroit Institute of Arts. She has an M.A. in the history of art from the University of Michigan, post graduate study in history at American University and a Ph.B. from Monteith College at Wayne State University.


Dr. David Drogin

Dr. David Drogin has been a professor in the History of Art Department at SUNY's Fashion Institute of Technology since 2004 and has previously taught at Wesleyan University, Harvard and Yale. A specialist in Italian Renaissance art, he received his M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University.


Dr. Davor Džalto

Dr. Davor Džalto is associate professor of art history, art theory and religious studies at the American University of Rome. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Freiburg, on the topic “The Role of the Artist in Self-Referent Art." He has published five books and over 30 scholarly articles and essays.


Dr. Nausikaä El-Mecky

Dr. Nausikaä El-Mecky is a fellow of the interdisciplinary research group Bildakt und Verkörperung at the Humboldt University in Berlin and a lecturer at the Freie Universität in Berlin and Utrecht University in the Netherlands. She received her Ph.D. in History of Art from the University of Cambridge in 2013 for her thesis "Dangerous Art: Towards a Theory of Organised Legal Attacks on European Art."


Dr. Allen Farber

Dr. Allen Farber has taught at the State University of New York College at Oneonta since 1981. He has been responsible for teaching a range of courses including upper level courses in Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance art. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1980.


Dr. Abram Fox

Dr. Abram Fox holds a doctorate in art history and archaeology from the University of Maryland, where he specialized in eighteenth century British and American painting. In addition to his dissertation research on the transatlantic artistic and educational exchange centered on the workshop of Benjamin West, Abram has published work on twentieth-century Czech postcards, and comic books in art history.


Dr. Bernard Frischer

Dr. Bernard Frischer authored, or co-authored, six books and many articles on virtual heritage and on the Classical world and its survival. He is Professor of Informatics at Indiana University, Bloomington. Previously, he was Professor of Art History and Classics at the University of Virginia where he was Director of the Virtual World Heritage Laboratory. Dr. Frischer’s many projects include "Rome Reborn," the virtual recreation of the city of ancient Rome within the Aurelian Walls. He received his Ph.D. in Classics summa cum laude from the University of Heidelberg.


Dr. Julia Fischer

Dr. Julia Fischer is a Lecturer of Art History at Georgia Southern University. She has also taught at Columbus College of Art and Design, Denison University, and The Ohio State University. Her dissertation is titled “For Your Eyes Only: Private Propaganda in Roman Imperial Cameos." Her research explores the iconography of Roman imperial cameos.


Meg Floryan

Meg Floryan earned her Masters in American Fine & Decorative Art from Sotheby's Institute of Art in New York.


Jennifer Freeman

Jennifer Freeman is interested in the relationship between medieval art and theology. In 2009, she received her Master of Art in Religion from Yale Divinity School and is currently a doctoral candidate in religion at Vanderbilt University.


Dr. Shana Gallagher-Lindsay

Dr. Shana Gallagher-Lindsay has taught the history of Western art at the Fashion Institute of Technology, S.U.N.Y., since 1994. Her areas of specialization are modern and contemporary art, and photography. She completed her Ph.D. at the City University of New York Graduate Center in 2003, writing her dissertation on the installation artist, Marcel Broodthaers.


Dr. Senta German

Dr. Senta German, now at the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Oxford, earned her Ph.D. at Columbia University in Aegean, Greek and Ancient Near Eastern archaeology and art. She explores the intersection of art and ancient Greek society with specific attention to performance, gender and the impacts of the illicit antiquities trade and forgery. She has taught at Columbia University, New York University, Rutgers University and was Associate Professor of Classics and Art History at Montclair State University.


Dr. Beth S. Gersh-Nesic

Dr. Beth S. Gersh-Nesic earned her Ph.D. in art history from the City University of New York Graduate Center and currently teaches art history at Purchase College. Her specialty is Modern Art with an emphasis on Picasso and Cubism.


Dr. Parme Giuntini

Dr. Parme Giuntini received her Ph.D. from UCLA where she focused on 18th century British portraiture and the development of a modern domestic ideal. She directs the Art History program at Otis College of Art and Design where her scholarly interests in portraiture and gender have broadened into fashion and identity.


Dr. Amy K. Hamlin

Dr. Amy K. Hamlin focuses on early twentieth-century German art, particularly the work of Max Beckmann. Hamlin earned a Ph.D. from the Institute of Fine Arts at NYU and is currently an Assistant Professor of Art History at St. Catherine University, where she teaches across the art history curriculum.


Dr. Kristen M. Harkness

Dr. Kristen M. Harkness specializes in Russian art of the late-nineteenth century and its relationship to the varied arts and crafts movements then developing across Europe. Dr. Harkness is currently a Lecturer at West Virginia University and an Instructor at University of Pittsburgh where she earned her Ph.D.


Sophie Harland

Sophie Harland completed her Masters at the Courtauld Institute of Art, writing her dissertation on the reproduction of ancient sculpture in eighteenth-century Britain. During her studies she wrote for and edited a number of gallery publications as well as delivering public talks in the Courtauld Gallery.


Dr. Jessica Hammerman

Dr. Jessica Hammerman is Assistant Professor of World and European History at Central Oregon Community College in Bend, Oregon. Her research focuses on interactions among Jews, Muslims, and Christians in decolonizing Algeria in the 1950s and 1960s.


Dr. Shaina Hammerman

Dr. Shaina Hammerman received her Ph.D. in Jewish History and Culture from the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, California. She specializes in modern Jewish culture with an emphasis on French and American film and literature. She has taught Jewish history and religion at the GTU, UC Davis, and Mills College.


Leila Anne Harris

Leila Anne Harris is a doctoral student in art history at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, where she specializes in the history of photography. Her research and writing focus on nineteenth century photography, gender, and domesticity.


Dr. Shawnya L. Harris

Dr. Shawnya L. Harris is an Assistant Professor of Art History at Elizabeth City State University. She earned her Ph.D. degree in art history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research interests include modern and contemporary arts of the African diaspora and issues related to art collecting and patronage.


Dr. Benjamin Harvey

Dr. Benjamin Harvey is an associate Professor of art history at Mississippi State University, Ben received graduate degrees from the University of Birmingham, UK, and UNC-Chapel Hill. His research focuses on word-and-image issues, especially as they relate to 19th century France and early 20th century Britain. His work has appeared in numerous venues, including publications by Cornell University Press, Edinburgh University Press, and Palgrave MacMillan.


Dr. Margaret Herman

Dr. Margaret Herman earned a Ph.D. from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, where she specialized in early twentieth-century architecture and urbanism. She has taught courses in art and architectural history at City College, Parsons, and Montclair State University.


Dr. Heather A. Horton

Dr. Heather A. Horton specializes in Medieval and Renaissance art and architectural history, especially the works of the writer and architect Leon Battista Alberti. Horton earned her Ph.D. from the Institute of Fine Arts. She is a frequent guest lecturer at The Cloisters Museum and has taught art history at New York University, The City University of New York, and Purchase College; currently she teaches art and design at Pratt Institute.


Roshna Kapadia

Roshna Kapadia has an MA in South Asian Studies from the University of Pennsylvania and has recently completed an MA in Art History at George Mason University. Her primary area of focus is South Asian art (Buddhist sculpture, Hindu architecture, Islamic painting from the Mughal era).


Farisa Khalid

Farisa Khalid holds a Masters in art history from the Institute of Fine Arts. Her primary area of interest is nineteenth and twentieth century American art and visual culture with a sub-specialty in South Asian art.


Katrina Klaasmeyer

Katrina Klaasmeyer earned her Masters in Art History from the University of Oregon, with her thesis "Capitalist Realism: The Work of Gerhard Richter, Sigmar Polke and Konrad Lueg, 1962-67." She curated an exhibition on the Japanese tradition of manga as it relates to war and romance comics of the 1940s-50s at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art.


Dr. Juliana Kreinik

Dr. Juliana Kreinik has taught the History of Photography at SUNY, New Paltz, Pace University, and Pratt Institute and lectured on German art of the Weimar era. She received her Ph.D. from New York University's Institute of Fine Arts.


Chad Laird

Chad Laird has taught in the History of Art Department at the Fashion Institute of Technology since 2005. He received his M.A. in Art History and Criticism from Stony Brook University in 2000, and now concentrates on filmmaking, music and sound art.


Julia Langley

Julia Langley received an M.A. in ancient Greek art history from the University of California, Los Angeles. She also completed the graduate program in Museum Studies at the George Washington University with a study of the war memorials on the National Mall.


Dr. Ayla Lepine

Dr. Ayla Lepine specializes in British nineteenth-century art and architectural history. Prior to obtaining her Ph.D. at The Courtauld Institute of Art in 2011, she studied art history and theology at the University of Victoria and Oxford University. Her thesis focused on intersections between the Gothic Revival, Anglicanism, Oxford, and Cambridge.


Dana Martin

Dana Martin received her Master’s in art history from Long Beach State University in 2012. Her thesis focused on the theme of heroic death in American art. She currently teaches art history and humanities courses in the southern California.


Dr. Anne McClanan

Dr. Anne McClanan teaches at Portland State University. She published a book analyzing Byzantine empresses and edited an anthology on Iconoclasm (published as well in Chinese translation) and another anthology on the material culture of sex, procreation and marriage.


Dr. Jennifer N. McIntire

Dr. Jennifer N. McIntire teaches art history part-time at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. She received her Ph.D. from Princeton University in Far Eastern Art History. Making Chinese art accessible and understandable to a wide variety of people is a primary interest.


Jp McMahon

Jp McMahon is a Ph.D. candidate in Art History at University College Cork, Ireland. He currently teaches and is academic coordinator on the diploma in European Art History in the Adult Education department of the same university. He has published a number of essay on American art since 1945.


Jeremy Miller

Jeremy Miller has taught art history at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in San Francisco since 2006. He received his MA in Art History from San Francisco State University in 2007, with an emphasis on Venetian Art.


Shadieh Mirmobiny

Shadieh Mirmobiny is an adjunct Professor of art history at Folsom Lake College; she also teaches at Sierra College and American River Colleges, where she teaches Western and non-Western art history survey courses. Her field of interest and focus of study is critical theory in art history.


Dr. Bonnie J. Noble

Dr. Bonnie J. Noble is Contributing Editor for the Northern Renaissance. She is Associate Professor of Art History at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She received her Ph.D. in art history from Northwestern University, her MA in art history from the University of Pennsylvania. Her specialization is the art of the Northern Renaissance, particularly sixteenth-century German painting.


Dr. Noelle C. Paulson

Dr. Noelle C. Paulson, a specialist in nineteenth-century European art history, received her MA and Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis. Since moving to Switzerland at the end of 2009, she has been an independent art historian, researcher, and freelance writer for museums in Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, and the U.S.


Isaac Peterson

Isaac Peterson is an artist, a writer, and a teacher. His writing is published primarily in Flash Art magazine. In his studio work, he focuses on drawing and animation, but constantly returns to oil painting.


Dianne Pierce

Dianne Pierce is part-time faculty at the State University of New York at New Paltz teaching history of decorative arts, modern design, museum studies, and architecture of New York City. In addition, Dianne is part-time faculty at Parsons The New School for Design in New York, teaching the history of decorative arts and other courses.


Ben Pollitt

Ben Pollitt studied Art History and English Literature at Edinburgh University. He teaches Art History at Fine Arts College in Hampstead and Ashbourne College in Kensington. He is an A Level examiner in the subject.


Dr. Chloe Portugeis

Dr. Chloe Portugeis received a Ph.D. from Yale University in 2014 where she specialized in Victorian art. She has presented papers at CUNY and Vanderbilt University and worked as a research assistant at the Yale Center for British Art and as an intern for Venice Guggenheim and the de Young Museum in San Francisco.


Dr. Matthew Postal

Dr. Matthew Postal is a historian of 20th-century architecture and urbanism. A graduate of Vassar College and New York University's Institute of Fine Arts, he earned his Ph.D. at the Graduate Center of City University in 1998, where his dissertation examined the relationship between Modernism, museums, and the media.


Dr. Shannon Pritchard

Dr. Shannon Pritchard is Assistant Professor of Art History at the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville, Indiana. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. Continued areas of research include broader issues of the paragone in late sixteenth-century Florence, Caravaggio and his use of prints, and Giambologna’s role within the Accademia del Disegno in Florence.


Stephanie Roberts

Stephanie Roberts received her Masters degree from the Courtauld Institute of Art, London. Her research interests include 19th century British Art, the History of Art in Wales, and Tudor and Stuart portraiture.


Lynn Robinson

Lynn Robinson holds a Masters degree in art history from the University of California, Los Angeles, where she specialized in Theory and Criticism. She also received a Museum Studies degree with an emphasis on museum education from John F. Kennedy University. She is currently an Adjunct Professor of Visual Studies at California College of the Arts.


Emmanuel Ortega Rodríguez

Emmanuel Ortega Rodríguez is a Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate in Ibero-America colonial art history from the University of New Mexico where he also earned his MA Masters in Art History of the Americas. Both, his thesis and doctoral dissertation are works that developed around the need to better understand the peculiar nature of images of violence and death created in the Latin American colonial context.


Shawn Roggenkamp

Shawn Roggenkamp received her Masters in History of Art from the Courtauld Institute of Art. She specializes in early Twentieth Century German art and culture with a focus on emigre artists and their influence, particularly on American Post-War art, and cross-disciplinary development between the visual and performing arts.


Rachel S. Ropeik

Rachel S. Ropeik is Senior Museum Educator/Teacher Services Coordinator at Brooklyn Museum and a 19th century specialist particularly interested in the intersection of art and costume histories. She received her MA in Art History from the Courtauld Institute of Art where she examined 19th century masculinity and 20th century gender theory.


Josh Rose

Josh Rose earned an MA in Art History from the University of North Texas in 2003. In the years since, he has worked in museum art education, designing adult programming at the Nasher Sculpture Center and the Dallas Museum of Art. His areas of research interest include Surrealism and Surrealist photography.


Elisabeth Rowney

Elisabeth Rowney is Associate Course Director of Art History at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. She received her Master's Degree from the University of South Florida. Her primary focus is the concept of fallen women.


Dr. Jordana Moore Saggese

Dr. Jordana Moore Saggese is an assistant professor of Visual Studies, and affiliated faculty in the Graduate Program in Visual and Critical Studies at California College of the Arts. Trained as an art historian, her work focuses on modern and contemporary art with an emphasis on the expressions and theorizations of blackness.


Dr. Wendy Schaller

Dr. Wendy Schaller is an Associate Professor of Art History at Ashland University. She earned her BA from the University of Tennessee and both her MA and Ph.D. in art history from the Ohio State University. Her research focuses primarily on portraits of children and the subject of death, grief and consolation in the seventeenth-century Netherlands.


Karen Schifman

Karen Schifman is an Art Historian who focuses particularly on women artists and the representation of women in visual culture. She received her MA from California State University, Northridge.


Dr. Karen Shelby

Dr. Karen Shelby is an Assistant Professor of Art History at Baruch College, The City University of New York. Her research focuses on the visual culture of Flemish nationalism in the Great War. Her book, Flemish Nationalism and the Great War: The Politics of Memory, Visual Culture and Commemoration, will be published in spring 2014.


Valerie Spanswick

Valerie Spanswick earned her BA in art history from the University of Washington in Seattle, which included studying both Classic and Baroque art and architecture in Rome. She earned her MA in the history of art from the University of York with a focus on 18th and 19th century British art and architecture.


Dr. Virginia B. Spivey

Dr. Virginia B. Spivey is an art writer specializing in late 20th and 21st century art history and theory. She holds a Ph.D. in art history from Case Western Reserve University. Now based in Washington D.C., she develops art history educational materials in addition to her scholarly work, which is currently focused on the relationship of performance to contemporary craft production.


Dr. Robert Summers

Dr. Robert Summers received his Ph.D. in Art History at UCLA. Currently he is a lecturer at Otis College of Art, where he received the Excellence in Teaching award (2010-2011), and he was a Research Associate at UCLA’s Center for the Study of Women (2010-2011). He has published papers in anthologies, such as Dead History, Live Art and Art & Shame, and academic journals.


Dr. Laurel Taylor

Dr. Laurel Taylor received her Ph.D. in the Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World from the University of Pennsylvania and teaches in the Departments of Art and Classics at the University of North Carolina Asheville. Her research interests focus on funerary art and ritual in ancient Italy and exploring the social meaning of death through Etruscan and Roman visual culture. Her current fieldwork is at the Etruscan and Roman site of Cetamura del Chianti, Italy.


Rebecca Taylor

Rebecca Taylor has more than a decade of experience in arts communications, having led communications campaigns & initiatives at several world-renowned museums (MoMA PS1, the Getty, and MOCA), before joining FITZ & CO. She received an M.A. in Modern Art, Connoisseurship and the Art Market from Christie’s, New York.


Dr. Susanna Throop

Dr. Susanna Throop studies the cultural intersection of religion, violence, ideology, and emotion in twelfth and thirteenth century Europe, especially in the context of the crusading movement. She holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Cambridge, where she was a Gates Cambridge Scholar. Previously she earned an M.A. as a Mellon Fellow at the University of Toronto. Currently she is an Assistant Professor of History at Ursinus College.


Victoria Valdes

Victoria Valdes is studying at the University of Virginia as a candidate for the Ph.D. in the History of Art and Architecture. She works primarily with early medieval manuscripts, specializing in the Ottonian period.


Rachel Warriner

Rachel Warriner is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Art History Department at University College Cork, Ireland. Her research focuses on post-war feminist practice. She received a BA (Hons) in Theatre from Dartington College of Art, Devon, UK in 2002 and has since been co-editor of DEFAULT magazine, and has published a number of papers and reviews on post war art and performance.


Jessica Watson

Jessica Watson received her MA in Art History from the École du Louvre in Paris where she worked on propagandist photomontage in the USSR.


Kendra Weisbin

Kendra Weisbin has a Master's degree in Art History from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with a concentration in Islamic Art and Architecture. Her most recent projects include an educator’s resource guide to the Islamic collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and a visitor’s walking guide to the same collection, both co-authored with curators from that department.


Charles Wiebe

Charles Wiebe is Adjunct Professor of the History of Art and Architecture at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. He earned an MA in the History of Art & Architecture from the Pennsylvania State University, with dissertation research on American and Italian Renaissance architecture. He has lectured at the University of Pittsburgh as well as Point Park University and serves as Subject Matter Expert on art at the University of Phoenix, where he has also taught film studies.


Dr. Kathryn Wolford

Dr. Kathryn Wolford received a Ph.D. in History from Claremont Graduate University. Her research and teaching interests concern the symbiotic relationships between the Protestant Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and the political revolutions within Europe and the wider Atlantic world during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. She is a reader at the Huntington Library and has taught at the University of California, Riverside, and Harvey Mudd College.


Louisa Woodville

Louisa Woodville teaches at George Mason University where she specializes in medieval and Renaissance art history, focusing in the social, economic and political context in which artists created works. After receiving an M.A. in Renaissance Studies from the University of Virginia and an M.B.A. from the Stern School of Business at New York University, Louisa worked at the Metropolitan Museum in New York and the Manhattan auction house William Doyle Galleries.


Christine Zappella

Christine Zappella is a doctoral student in Art History at the University of Chicago and holds Master’s degrees in both Art History from CUNY Hunter College and Teaching (Math Concentration) from Pace University. Christine focuses on sixteenth century Italian painting.


Faris Al Ahmad

Faris Al Ahmad received an MA in Middle Eastern Studies from The Graduate Center, City University of New York. His research interests include Islamic history and cultures, contemporary Islamic thought. He is also a lecturer of Arabic language at Hunter College, CUNY.


Dr. Kristen Chiem

Kristen is Contributing Editor for East Asian Art. She earned her M.A. from Harvard University and her Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research concentrates on late imperial Chinese painting. She is currently Assistant Professor of Art History at Pepperdine University.


Dr. Elisa Foster

Elisa specializes in late Medieval and early modern French art and architecture. She received her PhD from Brown University and has taught at Paris College of Art, Southern Methodist University and the University of Texas at Arlington, among others. Beginning in January, she will be a Lecturer in the John V. Roach Honors College at Texas Christian University.


Dr. Ellen Hurst

Ellen earned her PhD at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Her research addresses cultural interaction in the early modern world, with a focus on the exchange between northern Italy and Muscovy in the sixteenth century. She has taught art history in the Midwest and on the East Coast, and currently works as a consulting writer, editor, and researcher for several major arts organizations, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the US State Department’s Art in Embassies Program.


Dr. Rex Koontz

Rex Koontz is contributing editor for Pre-Columbian art in Mesoamerica. Rex is an art historian who works in the museum collections and archaeological sites of Mexico. He has written extensively on the ancient history of Mexico, including the recent Lightning Gods and Feathered Serpents: The Public Sculpture of El Tajin (2009, University of Texas Press). He is also the author (with Michael Coe) of Mexico: From the Olmecs to the Aztecs, the standard English introduction to the history of Ancient Mexico. He was recently one of three North Americans asked to contribute to the celebration of Mexico’s Bicentenary at the National Museum of Anthropology and History, Mexico City. He is currently Professor of Art History and Director of the School of Art, University of Houston.


Dr. Claire Black McCoy

Claire is the William B. and Sue Marie Turner Distinguished Faculty Chair in Art History at Columbus State University. She was previously Associate Professor of Art History at Longwood University in Virginia, where she received the Maria Bristow Starke Faculty Excellence Award for outstanding teaching and research and served as Director of General Education. Dr. McCoy received her Ph.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University and specializes in nineteenth-century interpretations of Renaissance artists and their impact on the reception and criticism of sculpture in France.


Olivia Miller

Olivia received her M.A. in Art History from the University of Oregon with a focus on the Spanish royal hunting portrait tradition. She is currently an art history Ph.D. student and the Curator of Exhibitions and Education at the University of Arizona Museum of Art. Prior to her position at UAMA she taught art history at both the high school and college level and worked at multiple non-profit arts organizations in both Oregon and Arizona.


Erika Nelson

Erika Nelson has an MA in Art History from Brooklyn College, and is a doctoral student in Art History at The Graduate Center, CUNY. Her area of specialization is modern and contemporary Latin American Art, with a particular interest in 19th-century Mexican popular prints. Erika currently teaches at Montclair State University in New Jersey.


Melissa Palermo

Melisa is a Ph.D. candidate in art history at Rice University. She received her Masters in art history from the University of Texas at San Antonio as well as from Rice University. Melisa’s primary interest is the relationship between Baroque sacred art and theology, spirituality, and mysticism. Her dissertation focuses on the iconography of the heart aflame as a symbol of the virtue of charity, divine union, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus in art from 1550-1750.


Andreas Petzold

Andreas was educated at Manchester University and the Courtauld Institute of Art where he obtained a Ph.D. for a study of color in Romanesque manuscript illumination. He was a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum, where he specialized in Medieval and Renaissance art. He is the author of Romanesque art in the Everyman Art Series. He currently teaches at MPW London and is an Associate Lecturer for the Open University. He is currently working on a study of the iconography of color in Medieval art due for publication in 2016.


Dr. Melody Rod-ari

Melody is Contributing Editor for Southeast Asian art. She earned her M.A. from Boston University and her Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research examines modern and contemporary Thai Buddhist visual culture. She is currently Assistant Curator of Asian art at the Norton Simon Museum and Editor for the American Council for Southern Asian Art. Beginning in August she will join the faculty of art history at Loyola Marymount University.


Sarahh Scher

Sarahh is a Contributing Editor for Pre-Columbian South American Art. She received her Ph.D. in art history from Emory University and an M.F.A. in printmaking from New Mexico State University. Her research focuses on issues surrounding the representation of gender, identity, and costume in the Andean area. She teaches part-time at Salem State University.


Malka Simon

Malka Simon holds a PhD from the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU in art history. She specializes in 19th- and 20th-century architecture and urban development of the United States, with a particular focus on New York City. Her most recent work addresses the role of industrial architecture in shaping urban landscapes. She is a Lecturer in the Art Department at Brooklyn College.


Dr. Fanny Wonu Veys

Dr. Fanny Wonu Veys received her PhD in the anthropology of material culture at the University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK), and completed post-doctoral research at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (USA) and the Musée du quai Branly, Paris (France). She is currently curator Oceania at the National Museum of World Cultures (Tropenmuseum, Afrika Museum and Museum Volkenkunde) in the Netherlands. She is an affiliated researcher in an Australian Research Council photographic project and a European Research Council focusing on Oceanian collecting histories. Wonu’s research interests are Pacific art and material culture, museums and cultures of collecting, Pacific musical instruments, Pacific textiles, and the significance of historical objects in a contemporary setting.


Nathalie N. Hager

Nathalie N. Hager is a Ph.D. candidate in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies program at the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus. She is writing her dissertation on World Art History, a turn in the discipline away from national histories and area studies towards modes that foreground connection and exchange, and how its discourse is developing in art historical theory and scholarship, museums, and pedagogy.


Hung Sheng

Hung Sheng is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Visual Studies at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. Her research interests are the history and aesthetics of twentieth century Chinese and Hong Kong art as well as art education in different settings. She received a BA (Hons) (2011) and MPhil in Visual Studies (2013) at Lingnan University. Her MPhil focused on the art of Irene Chou as a case study of Hong Kong Ink Painting.